Jonita Davis

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Jonita Davis

is a film and culture critic, author, and freelance writer. She has been writing for more than 15 years on topics exploring the intersection of pop culture, identity, education, parenting, and how those relationships affect our lives as parents, women, Black women, nerds, and people of this planet. She is the founder and editor-at-large of The Black Cape, and has authored several books, her latest being We Gon’ Be Black Today: Exploration of Black Nerd Culture (Chicago Review Press, 2024). She is a member of the Hollywood Critics Association, International Film Society Critics, and is a Rotten Tomatoes independent critic. More of her work can be found at

Articles By This Author
Diversifying Hollywood From the Ground Up
Despite years of progress, Hollywood is still majority white, male, and able-bodied, especially in leadership. A new effort is trying to seed the industry with more disabled people, especially disabled Black women creatives.