Sarah van Gelder

Sarah van Gelder has been advancing ideas for a more just, sustainable, and compassionate world for more than 30 years. As founding editor of YES!, Sarah led the magazine’s development from a scrappy startup operating out of a rented basement to a nationally recognized publication that covers leading-edge solutions to the ecological and human challenges of our times. Following two incredible decades at YES!, she founded PeoplesHub, an online community that offers training to individuals and groups around the country who making change where they live. Today, she heads up communications for the Suquamish Tribe, the people of Chief Seattle, supporting their work restoring orca and salmon populations, stopping violence against indigenous women and children, and celebrating their legacy carried through many generations of Suquamish people. Sarah is the author of The Revolution Where You Live: Stories from a 12,000 Mile Journey Through a New America, and the editor of Sustainable Happiness: Live Simply, Live Well, Make a Difference and This Changes Everything: Occupy Wall Street and the 99 Percent Movement. She speaks nationally and internationally, and has appeared on radio and television programs to talk about everything from cooperative economics and solving the climate crisis, to alternatives to prisons and confronting racism. She serves on the boards of Free Speech TV, The Rules, and the Suquamish Foundation, and was a founding board member of Winslow Cohousing and YES! Magazine. She has two adult children.
Read Sarah’s YES! columns here.
David Korten

David Korten is an internationally recognized author, speaker, and engaged citizen dedicated to the work of advancing the human transition to a new civilization, a new economy, and a new economics. He is president and founder of the Living Economies Forum, a member of the Club of Rome, a founding board member emeritus of the Business Alliance for Local Living Economies, and former Co-chair of the New Economy Working Group. He holds MBA and PhD degrees from the Stanford Graduate school of Business and is a former faculty member of the Harvard Graduate School of Business. He was previously a Ford Foundation project specialist in Manila and Asia Regional Advisor on Development Management for the US Agency for International Development.
David has authored numerous books, including Change the Story, Change the Future, Agenda for a New Economy: From Phantom Wealth to Real Wealth, The Great Turning: From Empire to Earth Community, When Corporations Rule the World, and The Post-Corporate World: Life After Capitalism. He is a regular guest on talk radio and television and a popular speaker at conferences around the world. See more at