Watch a new video about an eighth grade class using The Corporation film as a discussion starter. Share with your students using free curriculum from The Ontario Institute of Studies in Education.
ServiceSpace is a movement for generosity on social and personal levels. The site features projects that inspire generous behavior and chronicle the acts of kindness of ServiceSpace volunteers.
Cornell Professor Karl Pillemer, founder of The Legacy Project: Lessons for Living from the Wisest Americans, collected over 1,500 interviews of elders on a variety of subjects. In text and video, the oldest living generations of Americans share their experiences.
Instead of a letter, Terry Tempest Williams wrote a poem to nominate Lily Yeh as a YES! Breakthrough 15 Hero. The poem shared the many reasons why Lily Yeh is worthy of consideration. Who are the people students might be inspired to honor with a poem?
Some members of the 1% have shared messages of solidarity with the 99%. What goes into a sign that makes a lasting impression? Explore an activity to help your students understand—and create their own—powerful signs.
You’ve probably taught a student with dyslexia—and were perplexed on how to help. This film shows successful adults who see their dyslexia as a unique gift.
Great moments in “laughtivism” from Yes Men Andy Bichlbaum and Mike Bonanno, the guys who duped the BBC, embarrassed Dow Chemical, and mocked Halliburton.
The state of the world gives us plenty to worry about. What would happen if we made a decision to no longer worry? Read Akaya Windwood's wise commentary on replacing worry with trust, and check out the classroom activity, too.