It's not coincidental that throughout history the most violently despotic and warlike societies have been those in which violence, or the threat of violence, is used to maintain domination of parent over child and man over woman.
More than a hundred years after it helped overthrow the Queen of Hawaii, the Congregational Church musters the courage to face its past and apologized for the church's role in “the unprovoked invasion of the Hawaiian nation.”
The Compassionate Listening Project is a reconciliation effort based on the ideas of Gene Knudsen Hoffman, a Quaker peacemaker. Participants are trained to listen respectfully to all sides of the conflict, with a goal to build the international constituency for Mideast peace while offering a practical tool for conflict resolution.
Although public opinion has turned against the use of landmines, a large number remain active, a lethal reminder of wars long over. One group of Americans and Vietnamese are removing landmines and restoring an indigenous ecosystem ...