YES! Article archive

Commentary :: Don’t Be Nice—Be Kind

Niceness is often filled with falseness—it is a way to not tell the truth, or to obscure it. “Be nice!” is something many of us heard as children as a way of avoiding upsetting someone… it’s not effective in the long run as a way to come together to solve the myriad difficulties facing our communities, both local and global.
Akaya Windwood

The Greatest Danger

In the face of global warming it is hard to escape a sense of outrage, fear, despair. Author, deep-ecologist, and Buddhist scholar Joanna Macy says that speaking the truth of our anguish for the world brings down the walls between us, drawing us into deep solidarity.
Joanna Macy

Living Wealth: Better Than Money

If there is to be a human future, we must bring ourselves into balanced relationship with one another and the Earth. This requires building economies with heart.
David Korten

Cuba’s Cure

By investing in health care that is holistic and focuses on prevention, Cuba has created one of the most effective systems in the world. Cuban doctors are engaged in missions throughout poor parts of the world, exchanging medical know-how for positive diplomatic relations.
Sarah van Gelder
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