Articles By This Author
Annie Leonard and Tom Newmark on how they came to see soil as a solution to one of our biggest environmental problems—and as a tool to build more resilient communities.
Annie Leonard, Tom Newmark | Apr 22, 2019
Trump will try to fast-track fossil fuel projects across the country. That makes the final months of President Obama’s term more important than ever.
Tom Goldtooth, Annie Leonard | Nov 18, 2016
The final film in the “Story of Stuff” series asks, What if the goal of our economy wasn’t more, but better—better health, better jobs, and a better chance to survive on the planet?
Annie Leonard | Oct 2, 2013
The way we make and use stuff is harming the world—and ourselves. To create a system that works, we can't just use our purchasing power. We must turn it into citizen power.
Annie Leonard | Aug 23, 2013
Annie Leonard reveals what gives her strength, even as she and her popular film, The Story of Stuff, are attacked as un-American.
Annie Leonard | Dec 2, 2009