Not Your Father’s Union Movement: NYC’s Young Workers Committee

The Young Workers Committee of New York’s transit union was out on the streets in a vibrant march. This video shows the group rallying, taking over an official’s office, and using the Occupy-style “people’s mic.”

  • When their boss tried to fire them, the workers of Republic Windows and Doors occupied the factory. Now they own it as a cooperative.
  • Back in September, YES! covered the efforts of immigrant workers at New York City’s Hot and Crusty Bakery to form a union. After a series of twists and turns that tested the workers’ persistence, the shop is now set to open in December with a fully unionized workforce.
  • They were unable to put a dent in Black Friday sales, but striking Walmart workers brought the plight of low-wage workers to the forefront of the national conversation. Their action has already inspired historic protests by fast-food workers in New York City.

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