5 Ways Voters Stood Up to Big Money, Despite Losses
Tuesday’s election brought losses on several fronts: Texas voted to repeal a law protecting members of the LGBTQ community from discrimination, Airbnb won after spending $8 million fighting regulations in San Francisco, and Mississippi voted against providing full funding to public schools.
But a few passing measures were cause for celebration. Here are five ways voters showed they’re tired of Big Money:
1. Maine made it easy for candidates to say “no” to corporations
Maine passed an initiative to limit the power of super PACs in political campaigns. The law, which provides public funding to candidates who have widespread support and swear off corporate money, passed with 55 percent of the vote. (via The Huffington Post)
2. Seattle gave voters control over public funding …
Last week, YES! covered Seattle’s push for “democracy vouchers” through a measure that passed by 60 percent of the vote in Tuesday’s election. By giving every Seattle vouchers to donate to their candidate of choice, the bill aims to boost voter participation and level the playing field. (more on how they work here)
3. and re-elected socialist city councilmember Kshama Sawant
Seattle also re-elected socialist city councilmember Kshama Sawant. Besides keeping Sawant as a strong voice favoring rent control and a living wage, the city council also now has a majority of women members. (via The Stranger)
4. Ohioans chose fairer districts
Ohio took a step towards fairer elections by revamping a law that allowed for partisan gerrymandering. With this new initiative, both sides will have a say in drawing electoral maps and directions for compromise. While the measure is criticized for not making the redistricting process apolitical, it’s still a step in the right direction. (via America Blog)
5. San Francisco protected small business
San Francisco voted to incentivize protecting “legacy businesses” (small businesses that have been part of the community for a long time) in an effort to slow gentrification. The city will pay business owners a chunk of money per full-time employee and offer landlords grants if they choose to extend leases to the businesses. (via SF Gate)
What election results are you most excited about? Let us know in the comments!