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A Tribute to Donella Meadows

A Tribute to Donella Meadows, by Fran Korten. Donnella Meadows is remembered as a woman dedicated to helping us learn to live within the limits to growth.
Fran Korten

Thirst For Justice

Thirst for Justice, by Maude Barlow. Privatization of Bolivia's water supply fails in the face of protest, and a local coallition takes on water distribution.
Maude Barlow

Right Livelihood

Is the work we are doing good for the Earth and its inhabitants now and for seven generations into the future?
Matthew Fox
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Song of the Land

Mohave Creation Song cycle describes relation of the Mohave to their land and helps prevent Ward Valley from becoming a nuclear waste dump.
Philip M. Klasky
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Farms of the Future

Contrary to myths about the efficiency of corporate agriculture, family farmers are the most efficient producers - and they produce much more than food
Senator Byron Dorgan
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Equity In the Air

Global warming is unlikely to yield to politics-as-usual. So what will work? Start with the fact that “we” are not one, but rather a world divided.
Tom Athanasiou
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A Zero-emissions Family

A Zero-emissions Family, by Donna Meadows- the Jonathan Foley family , YES! A Journal of Positive Futures, winter 1999/2000: changing the climate,
Donella Meadows
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China’s Living Water Garden

A polluted river in China becomes the site of a water park that provides a safe place for children's play, a celebration of water's beauty, and a cleansing of the water itself.
Anne H. Mavor

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