Summer 2018
Table of Contents
The Affordable Housing Issue
In Depth
Explore SectionFrom the Editors
A Home for Everyone
We asked readers what they wanted to see in our affordable housing issue. More than 3,000 of you responded.
You wanted to know about community solutions — how cities are stopping gentrification, taking the greed out of development, and innovating ownership and financing models. You also told us that living in community was important — that maybe Americans had lost sight of that — and that multigenerational housing was a solution that could address the needs of an aging population along with those of a new generation of adults.
This helped us decide what stories to put in the issue. Something else did, too.
Read moreTiny Houses Alone Can’t Solve the Housing Crisis. But Here’s What Can
People are looking beyond traditional boundaries to find housing that works for them.
Chris Winters
Just the Facts