Winter 2023
Table of Contents
In Depth
Explore SectionFrom the Editors
The “Bodies” Issue
In her first issue as YES! Magazine’s Executive Editor, Evette Dionne invites us to consider what we must shift within ourselves to make space for true equity.
Read moreTransforming Ourselves to Transform the World
Five activists share how shifting their relationships with their own bodies helped them build community.
Nicole FroioThe Haenyeo and the Sea: Diving As Community-Led Resistance
This matriarchal Korean society overcomes crises united as a single body.
Kyubin Kim
The Black Mothering Body, Fortified
In creating new life, Black mothers must overcome medical malpractice and social unsafety together.
Gloria Alamrew
La Lucha Sigue: Lessons From Latin America’s Abortion Victories
Abortion advocates reeling from the end of Roe v. Wade can look to Mexico, Colombia, and Argentina for perspective, strategy, and hope.
Tina Vasquez
La Lucha Sigue: Lecciones de Las Victorias de Las Mujeres Latinoamericanas Por el Derecho al Aborto
Defensoras del aborto, desanimadas por la anulación de la sentencia en el caso “Roe vs. Wade”, que establecía el derecho constitucional al aborto, pueden dirigir sus miradas hacia México, Colombia y Argentina para obtener perspectiva, redefinir estrategias y recobrar esperanzas.
Tina Vasquez
Ramping Up Fashion’s Accessible Future
The fashion industry is designing adaptable clothing for disabled people, but is that enough to undo the industry’s ableism?
Christopher Reardon
Queering the Good Death
When it comes to protecting chosen family, LGBTQ couples face unique struggles.
Sara Harrison
Solutions We Love
Explore Section
Healing Trauma Through Drama
Therapeutic drama therapy opens the door to healing through performance.
Blair Glaser
Just the Facts
The “Obesity Crisis” Is a Fatphobic Myth
Fatness is treated as a moral failure, but the facts show it is all systemic.
Evette Dionne
People We Love
Ink Outside the Lines
Although tattoo art has origins in communities of color, today it is largely a white-dominated field in the U.S. Three tattoo artists of color share their views of the changing field.
Sonali Kolhatkar
Culture Shift
Explore Section
Forever Queer
Jamal Jordan embraces the unique and profound beauty of aging LGBTQ couples.
Jonathan P. Higgins
Confronting Caste
A Dalit American leader offers a profound meditation on the violence of caste apartheid, pathways to abolition, and collective healing.
Sonali Kolhatkar
All the Sexy Older Ladies
From “Hacks” to “Queen Sugar,” pop culture begins spotlighting the sexuality of women over 50.
Sari Botton