Leonard Peltier’s release embodies the liberation possible through intergenerational organizing.
adrienne maree brown has invited Movement Generation to bring us stories of life worth living in 2025.
Trump is attacking the policies aimed at making prescription medications affordable and accessible to all.
The CHAT Project’s model serves as a beacon of hope for couples engaged in a cycle of domestic violence.
We must ask ourselves: Does the fight we’re in advance us toward a revolutionary shift?
This story is part of Imagine 2200: Climate Fiction for Future Ancestors, a climate-fiction contest produced by Grist Magazine.
This story is part of Imagine 2200: Climate Fiction for Future Ancestors, a climate-fiction contest produced by Grist Magazine.
This story is part of Imagine 2200: Climate Fiction for Future Ancestors, a climate-fiction contest produced by Grist Magazine.
I want those serving life sentences to be heard so we’re not eternally invisible.
Activists are calling for New York City’s subway system to be fully funded and police-free.
Participatory budgeting empowers communities to radically reimagine the world.
With sea levels rising and groundwater running out, crops that thrive in saltwater could bolster future food supplies.
Mushrooms, bison, and foraged plants are a critical mix of new and old food traditions.
Local food programs can make it easier to eat more fresh produce.
In 2019, scientists published a climate-friendly food plan. Can it work for most Americans?
Through organizing and community building, Planned Parenthood workers exposed the limits of the nonprofit-industrial complex.
adrienne maree brown offers a winter solstice poem that encourages us to birth new realities.
When wildfires swept through southern Oregon in 2020, Maria and her family lost 14 years of hard work almost overnight. Their home, their car, and most of their belongings went
Free meals for all school children is an essential element of education—and one the majority of people in the U.S. support.
Other states could learn from California’s approach to overcrowding in animal shelters.
While Project 2025 proposes cutting Head Start, communities are ensuring free, quality child care for all.
A new “toolbox for liberation” demonstrates that a more just world is not only possible—it’s actively under construction.
Care-centered organizations are helping people process loss, remain rooted, and imagine new futures.
Indigenous communities are already solving climate crises, but they need global funding to act decisively.
Both of these crises require new systems and structures that reflect our commitment to our blood and chosen families.
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