Summer 2023
Table of Contents
In Depth
Explore SectionFrom the Editors
What Thirst Tells Us
Our “Thirst” issue spotlights a fundamental truth: We all have needs.
Read moreJustice at the Tap
For Jackson, Flint, and the Navajo Nation, clean water shouldn’t be a pipe dream.
Torsheta JacksonWe Keep Us Safe: Imagining a Police-Free World
Communities with infrastructure to support the development of whole, healthy people won’t need police.
Sonali Kolhatkar
Our Farmworkers Deserve Better
Farmworkers have risked it all to shed light on the abuses they endure. Are we ready to listen?
Tina Vasquez
Solutions We Love
Explore Section
Indigenous Foodways
The Many Lives of Water
Water has a living spirit and holds memories from the beginning of time.
Valerie Segrest
The Yearning for Redemption
Re-entering society after being incarcerated takes a heavy emotional toll.
C. Dreams
Just the Facts
The Great Guzzlers: Who’s Using All Our Water?
Among the forecast effects of climate change, one in particular poses special concern: We’re running out of water.
Chris Winters
People We Love
Sacred Activism
Like water itself, the protection of this vital resource takes many different forms.
Breanna Draxler
Culture Shift
Explore Section
Objectifying Prince Charming
“The Male Gazed” offers an imperfect reflection on pop culture’s queer influence.
Reece Sisto
What the evolution of vampire fiction tells us about modern society.
S.E. Smith
Patriarchy Princesses
Against a backdrop of increasing repression and gender-based violence, “femininity influencers” offer what could be seen as comfort in a destabilizing time.
Kinjo Kiema