When it comes to the often-taboo topic of abortion, the authors of "Liberating Abortion" are eager to share their wisdom with anyone considering accessing this form of health care.
Despite conservative efforts to criminalize medication abortion using the 1873 Comstock Act, organizers continue to expand access to this necessary health care.
Even before abortion became illegal in 14 states, some reproductive health care clinics were rebranding to better reflect the broad spectrum of gender-inclusive care they provide.
In 2022, Michigan enshrined abortion in its state constitution. Now, activists want to expand access for young people by repealing parental consent laws.
The Arizona Supreme Court reinstated an 1864 abortion ban—which is now fueling voter enthusiasm for a November ballot measure seeking to permanently restore abortion rights.
Haitian feminists are battling centuries of patriarchal norms in their fight for abortion rights using creative means including underground networks, political activism, and art.
Abortion bans tend to disproportionately impact vulnerable populations in low-income, rural communities. Here’s how young people of color are fighting back.
The Supreme Court has demonstrated that the highest law of the land is whatever they feel like saying it is. What do we do when the court and other institutions are widely seen as illegitimate?
Following the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, advocates and politicians are calling on states and congress to codify Roe. But what does this actually mean for abortion rights?
Knowing this day would come doesn’t make the reality any easier to process. But as trite as this may sound so soon after such a devastating loss, the fight is far from over.
The politics of abortion revolve around White supremacy and the role it plays in trying to manage the reproduction of different racialized populations. We need to unite in order to fight back.
Scholars offer five takeaways to begin understanding the impact of the Supreme Court’s decision revoking the constitutional right to safe, legal abortion in the U.S.
In the wake of the Buffalo massacre, scholar-activist Rosa Clemente worries that communities of color will be more heavily policed while White supremacists will continue to access guns freely.